all things chinese.

February 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

i’ve never been a chinese at heart, despite my upbringing and education in some of the most ‘cheena’ schools in singapore. perhaps it has to do with the subconscious that deliberately pursuing a chinese identity in today’s world will only render one alienated from mainstream society – it is one of those painful truths, really. perhaps i’m just more attracted to eclectic dreamy things; using chopsticks the PROPER WAY certainly not among them. especially after starting university in London, even the once redhot appeal of Jay Chou slowly cooled, and i shamefully recall an occasion when i had to consult the dictionary 5 times just to write a simple paragraph of chinese words. where am i heading towards? banana-land?

so i try to rattle my head to come up with all things chinese which i’d still kill for. to conjure up that little bit of pride, of black hair and 5000 years of history.

to make next week :D

zhang ziyi in 2046. yes i'd still kill for a cheongsam.

along with maggiecheung and shuqi, i'm starting to like this little bitch :D

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