brandon flowers.

April 10, 2011 § 1 Comment

brooding beard.

again, one of those remarkable discoveries – i never thought i’d have any appreciation for ‘the killers’, but here i am now, deeply in love with this song.

it’s haunting, the way he looks straight ahead into you (ok i know not me la): i don’t care if he seemed a bit vampish at some bits (the big picture, the big picture folks!) – it’s an excellent performance through and through. if you have the patience to watch till somewhere in the middle, you’d have the rare opportunity to perve Rachel Kaiser (from a band called ‘The Neighbours’), freaking gorgeous! (furrowed inverted eyebrows are always a plus!)

well if you didn’t have the patience (hmph!) or found the name ‘flowers’ slightly disturbing,

here you go gorgeous!

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